
Support Team Nepal to participate in International Robot Olympics, FIRST Global Challenge 2019

Support Team Nepal to participate in International Robot Olympics, FIRST Global Challenge!!!

Team Nepal will be competing in the International Robot Olympics, FIRST Global Challenge 2019 starting from October 24-28, 2019 in Dubai.

Shishir Subedi, Shirjan Ghimire from team UARC, winner of Yantra 7.0 National League along with Sarthak Sen, Umang Regmi, Aditya Dhungana will be representing Nepal in this Global arena. Er. Manoj Lekhak, Secretary of Robotics Association of Nepal[RAN] and Er. Niraj Pradhan, Research and Development Coordinator will be guiding the team as Manager and Technical mentor in the competition respectively.

The FIRST Global robot Olympics will be an annual culmination of focused STEM/robotic involvement of exponentially increasing student bodies from all nations in growing collaboration. The intent is to enhance the global call for STEM education in the international student community, while emphasizing the value of nations’ cooperation in addressing the Grand Challenges of Engineering that our planet and people must address in order to thrive as identified by the national engineering and science academies of the United Kingdom, United States, and China. The collaborative character of leadership in our youth is the defining basis of FIRST Global’s success.

This year’s Team Nepal is highly capable and has passion to be the winner of the competition as Team Leader Shishir Subedi and Shrijan has won numerous competition within the country and remaining participants are strong Robotics enthusiasts and dreams of changing the face of the Nation through robotics and Automation technology. All these participants believe in transferring their knowledge and skillset to the young kids from community school after they participate in the competition.

Last year, team Nepal scored 1st position in the first round and second position in second round which showed that team Nepal is equally capable along with other competition nation to win the biggest robotics trophy and bring it to the Nation.

For the Registration of FIRST Global robot Olympics we will need money to support the Team Nepal for transportation to Dubai,stay in Dubai and for the Robot kit total of USD 10000. For this we are in need of your support. Help us support the Talented Robotics Kids of Nepal and Complete their dream to participate in FIRST Global robot Olympics.

In order to support our fundraising, You can go to the link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/first-global-challenge-2019
and donate the amount you feel you can help. From Rs. 1 to Rs.1 lakh, you can donate any amount you can.

You can also donate directly through E-sewa Account:
Mr. Manoj Lekhak ID: 9848750707


RAN Membership Registration 2019-2020

Documents to be presented during the application of membership form.

  • Recommendation Letter
  • Resume / Curriculum Vitae

Membership Eligibility Criteria : 

        Anyone who has either:

  • Recommendation Letter
    1. From respective robotics club or college or school
  • Participated in at least three RAN events either
    1. Organized by RAN
    2. Supported by RAN
  • Enthusiasm in working in the field of robotics and technology.

(Applicant with past projects preferred)

Registration Fee : NRs 1000.00/-

The validation of RAN membership lasts for a year.

As a RAN Member you:

  1. Will get 15% discount in Training cost of the workshops organized by RAN
  2. Recognition as a member of RAN in our websites and social media
  3. Meeting with the different personalities of robotics and electronics fields
  4. Participation in the personal skill development workshops through RAN
  5. A recommendation letter
  6. RAN’s ID Card
  7. RAN’s T-shirts
  8. Make your Resume attractive by adding RAN’s Membership experience.
  9. Can be involved in Research and Development Project.
  10. Can involve in different events of RAN as:
    1. Volunteer
    2. Participants
    3. Presenter

As a RAN Member you:

  • Have to follow the constitution of RAN.
  • Have to follow the decision made by Executive Committee.
  • Have to take responsibility of completing task assigned on time.
  • Have to maintain goodwill of RAN

Short listed candidates will be called for the interview and selected accordingly.


Registration Form : RAN Membership Registration Form 2019-2020


Yantra 7.0 Science, Technology & Entrepreneurship Festival

Yantra 7.0 Science | Tech | Entrepreneurship Festival 2018

Let’s create Robotics Industry Together in Nepal. Register your Robot now!!

Robotics Association of Nepal[RAN] is proud to announce Yantra 7.0 Science, Tech and Entrepreneurship Festival for this Year 2075. This year Yantra consists of International Robotics Competition(IRC), Yantra Learning, Yantra Kids and Yantra Incubation. IRC consists of 5 different events: RoboBusiness Cup, Manual Akhada, Automatic Akhada, Yantra Drone Racing League, Yantra National League.

Creating Robotics Industry in Nepal is envision with RoboBusiness Cup, its an event focused on building Entrepreneurial Ecosystem for all the Robotics Lovers and Engineers & IT professionals of any background. It offers Cash & In-kind Prizes, Product Incubation Program and Business Incubation for the winners of the event. It is a new edition and main event for International Robotics Competition which will create Robotics Entrepreneur in Nepal.

For More details: yantra.ran.org.np

International Robotics Competition:
http://yantra.ran.org.np/yantra-7-0/international-robotics-competition/Yantra Learning:

Yantra Kids:

Early Bird Registration is on!! Start registering..



Yantra 7.0 Teaser

The wait is Over!!!!
Yantra is Coming!!!
Yantra Science, Tech and Entrepreneurship festival, previously known as Yantra Art, Tech and Science Festival is back with a bang.
Stay tuned for more updates. Let us know what’s your favorite part in Yantra.
#entrepreneurship #science #technology #Yantra #RAN
#TechnologyForAll #RoboticsForDevelopment #CreatingRoboticsIndustryInNepal

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APTwBB7ZIlI [/embedyt]

Press Release – Team Nepal, International Robot Olympics FIRST Global Challenge 2018

रोबोटिक्स एशोसिएसन अफ नेपाल मुनाफा रहित गैर सरकारी संस्था जुन २०१० ई.स. मा नेपालमा रोबोटिक्स र अटोमेसन विकासको लागि स्थापित भएको थियो । स्थापना कालदेखि नै रोबोटिक्स एशोसिएसनले नेपालको ईन्जिनियर, आई.टि प्रोफेसनल तथा विद्यार्थीको सिप, क्षमता, शृजनशिलता र नविनतालाई प्रोत्साहन गर्दै रोबोटिक्सको विकासको निम्ति विभिन्न कार्यक्रम गर्दै आएको छ । रोबोटिक्स एशोसिएसन अफ नेपाल र नेपाल ईन्जिनियर्स एशोसिएसन विगत केहि वर्षदेखि सहकार्य गर्दै आएको छ । नेपाल ईन्जिनियर्स एशोसिएसनको सहयोगमा नै रोबोटिक्स एशोसिएसनले नासा इन्टरनेसनल स्पेस एप २०१७ , मिस टेक २०१७ र यन्त्र ६.० कला, प्रविधि तथा विज्ञान सम्पन्न गर्न सफल भएको थियो ।

रोबोटिक्स एशोसिएसनले राष्ट्रिय तथा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय रुपमा सहकार्य गर्दै आएको छ । FIRST Global, रोबोटिक्स एशोसिएसन अफ नेपाल तथा नेपाल ईन्जिनियर्स एशोसिएसनको सहकार्यमा FIRST Global ले मेक्सिकोमा आयोजना गर्न लागेको International Robot Olympics – FIRST Global Challenge मा नेपालले प्रथम पटक प्रतिस्पर्धा गर्दैछ । यस प्रतियोगितामा शिशिर बिश्वकर्मा, पृथ्वी चौधरी, सजिन श्रेष्ठ र सार्थक सेन प्रतिस्पर्धा गर्दै छन् । १४ देखि १८ वर्ष सम्मका विद्यार्थीले मात्र भाग लिन पाउने यस ओलम्पिकमा टिम नेपाललाई निर्देशन रोबोटिक्स एशोसिएसन अफ नेपालका सचिव श्री बिनोद कँडेलले गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ र श्रावण २९ गतेदेखि भाद्र २ गते १६९ राष्ट्रका प्रतिस्पर्धीसँग नेपालले आफ्नो प्रतिभा विश्वको सामू देखाउनेछ । श्रावण २६ गतेनै नेपालको टिम नेपालबाट मेक्सिकोका लागि प्रस्थान गर्दैछ र आयोजकहरुसँग भेटघाट गर्ने छ , आयोजकहरुले सबै प्रतियोगीलाई प्रतियोगिताको नियमहरूको बारेमा जानकारी प्रदान गर्ने छन् ।

प्रतियोगिताको सबै तयारी पुरा भईसकेको छ । सबै प्रतिस्पर्धीहरू शारीरिक तथा मानसिक रुपमा तयार भइसकेका छन् । प्रतिस्पर्धाको लागि चाहिने रोबोट १५ दिन अघि नै तयार भइसकेको छ । अहिले टिम नेपाल प्रतिस्पर्धामा दिइएको कामहरू पुरा गर्न अभ्यासमा व्यस्त रहेको छ । टिम नेपाल प्रतिस्पर्धामा राम्रो स्थान हासिल गर्नेमा ढुक्क राखेको छ अहिलेको हाम्रो लक्ष्य तेश्रो स्थान हासिल गर्ने रहेको छ | हाल प्रतिस्पर्धामा जना लागेको टिमले नेपालको हरेक प्रतियोगितामा उत्कृष्ट स्थान हासिल गर्दै आएको छ , त्यसैले ओलम्पिकमा पनि राम्रो प्रदर्शन गर्नेमा विश्वस्त छ । यस्तो अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय प्रतियोगितामा हुने संलग्नताले नेपालको रोबोटिक्सको स्तर बढाउने रोबोटिक्स एसोसिएसन अफ नेपालको ठहर रहेको छ र आगामी दिनमा पनि अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय प्रतियोगितामा नेपालले प्रतिष्पर्धा गर्न एसोसिएसनले पहल गरिराख्ने छ र नेपालमा उपयोगी रोबोटहरुको विकास गर्न अग्रसर रहनेछ ।

रोबोटिक्स एशोसिएसन अफ नेपालले अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय स्तरको रोबोटिक्स प्रतियोगिता यन्त्र कला, विज्ञान र प्रविधि महोत्सवबाट विगत ८ वर्ष देखि गर्दै आएको छ । रोबोटिक्स प्रतियोगितामा ड्रोन रेसिङ, रोबोट फाईट [ अटोमेटिक तथा म्यानुअल ], रोबोट फूटबल तथा दैनिक जीवनमा प्रयोग गर्ने रोबोटको प्रतियोगिता गर्दै आएको छ । यिनै प्रतियोगिताबाट नेपालमा रोबोटिक्स ईन्जीनियरहरुमा पैदा गरिरहेको छ । ईमेज प्रोसेसिङ गर्न सकिने रोबोट , रिमोट कन्ट्रोल रोबोट , डिस्ट्रक्सन गर्न सक्ने रोबोट , स्वचालित रोबोटहरू नेपाली रोबोट ईन्जिनियर आफै बनाउन सक्ने भैसकेको छन् । यी प्रतियोगितामा स्कुलका बिद्यार्थी देखि लिएर ईन्जिनीयरिङ पढिराखेको ३०० जना भन्दा बढि बिधार्थीहरुले बार्षिक रुपमा सहभागिता जनाउदै आएका छन् । मानब र मेसिन भन्ने नाराका साथ रोबोटिक्स एशोसिएसनले सन् २०१० देखि आफ्नो कार्यक्रम सञ्चालन गर्दै आएको छ।

नेपालका ईन्जिनियर तथा आई .टि प्रोफेसनलको करिअर विकासको निम्ति तालिम , वर्कसप , प्रतिस्पर्धा, यन्त्र कला, विज्ञान र प्रविधि महोत्सव , मिस टेक , नासा स्पेस एप च्यालेन्ज , उज्ज्वल एजुकेसन , अनुसन्धान तथा बिभाग शाखाबाट निस्किने नविनतम खोजहरु एशोसिएसनको आगामी मुख्य कार्यक्रमहरु रहेको छ ।

आगामी पुस महिनामा रोबोटिक्स एशोसिएसन अफ नेपालले यन्त्र कार्यक्रम अन्तर्गत अन्तर्रास्ट्रिय रोबोटिक्स प्रतियोगिता आयोजना, मेन इभेन्ट , यन्त्र म्यानुअल अखडा, यन्त्र अटोमेटिक अखडा, यन्त्र रेसर र यन्त्र राष्ट्रिय लिग गरी ५ विधा रहेको यस अन्तर्राष्ट्रियस्तर प्रतियोगितामा दक्षिण एसिया लगायत यूरोपियन र अमेरिकी राष्ट्र गरि ७० ओटा ईन्जिनियरिङ र उच्च माध्यमिक विद्यालयका विद्यार्थी समूहको उत्साहाजनक सहभागिता रहने आशा गरिएको छ ।

राष्ट्रिय रोबोटिक्स प्रतियोगिताको रुपमा यन्त्र २०१२ देखि सुरु भएको यस महोत्सबलाई कलाकार, डाक्टर, ईन्जिनियर तथा विद्यार्थीहरुको सम्मेलन गर्ने मञ्च बनाएका छौँ । यस बर्ष यन्त्र ७.० “ द फ्युचर ”को नारा दिएर अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय रोबोटिक्स प्रतियोगिता, श्रीजनशील कम्प्युटिङ, कला प्रविधि प्रदर्शनी , यन्त्र लर्निंङ, यन्त्र इन्कुबेसन र यन्त्र किड्स आयोजना हुदैंछ, पूरा कार्यक्रम तीन हप्तासम्म लामो हुनेछ ।

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFsXAxW_7NY[/embedyt][embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZr3tv340Ls[/embedyt][embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rB3IKVPIMQI[/embedyt][embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEZdY-77Q8I[/embedyt]

के हो रोबोटिक्स एशोसिएसन अफ नेपाल?

रोबोटिक्स एशोसिएसन अफ नेपाल २०१० मा स्थापना भएको एक गैर सरकारी संस्था हो । रोबोटिक्सको क्षेत्रमा सिक्ने र सिकाउने साझा चौतारी बनाउनु र रोबोटिक्सको संस्कृतिको विकास गर्नु यो संस्थाको प्रमुख उदेश्य हो । उल्लेखीत उदेस्य प्राप्तिको लागि निम्न कार्यदिशा तय गरेका छौँ ।

नेपालमा रोबोटिक्सको क्षेत्रमा हुने सबैखाले कार्यहरुलाई प्रोत्साहन गर्ने ।
रोबोटिक्समा गहीरो रुची भएका विद्यार्थीहरुलाई सहयोग गर्ने ।
नेपालमा हुने सबैखाले रोबोटिक्स क्रियाकलापमा सहकार्य गर्ने ।
रोबोटिक्सको क्षेत्रमा भएका कार्यहरुको लेखा राखी त्यस्ता कार्यपत्रहरु संकलन गर्ने ।
रोबोटिक्स तथा विज्ञान र प्रविधिको सूचना अदान प्रदान गर्ने माध्यमको रुपमा काम गर्ने ।
रोबोटिक्स सम्बन्धित गोष्ठि, वर्कशप, तालिम, कार्यपत्र प्रस्तुति आदि आयोजना गर्ने ।
नेपालमा हुने रोबोटिक्स सम्बन्धि कार्य तथा अनुसन्धानमा हरसम्भव तरिकाले सहयोग गर्ने ।
रोबोटिक्स सम्बन्धित अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय गतिबिधिहरुमा नेपालको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्ने ।
रोबोटिक्स सम्बन्धि कार्ययोजना र नियमकानुन बनाउन सहयोग गर्ने ।

माथि उल्लेखित कार्यदिशालाई सफल बनाउन यस एशोसिएसनले विभिन्न कार्यक्रमहरु गर्दै आएको छ । जसमध्य तल उल्लेखित कार्यक्रमहरु भब्य तरिकाले सम्पन्न भइसकेका छन् ।

रोबोटिक्स एशोसिएसन अफ नेपालले गरेका कामहरु :

बि.सं २०११- बि. सं २०१८ :

प्रतियोगिताहरु :

यन्त्र १.० – ६.० कला, विज्ञान र प्रविधि महोत्सव सम्पन्न गर्न सफल ;
हरेक वर्ष यन्त्र अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय तथा राष्ट्रिय रोबोटिक्स प्रतियोगिता सम्पन्न ;
ह्याक द क्वेक, भुकम्पबाट बच्नको लागि धारणा प्रस्तुत गर्ने प्रतियोगिता;
मिस टेक २०१६ -२०१७, अमेरिकी राजदुतावास , अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय एकीकृत पर्वतीय विकास केन्द्र, नेपाल दुरसञ्चार प्राधिकरणसंगको सहकार्यमा सम्पन्न;
डेरीमेकर कोड + डिजाईन च्यालेन्ज सम्पन्न, वर्ल्ड बैंक तथा माइक्रोसफ्टको सहयोगमा सम्पन्न;
नासा अन्तर्रास्ट्रिय स्पेस एप च्यालेन्ज काठमाडौँ सम्पन्न, अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय एकीकृत पर्वतीय विकास केन्द्र तथा मर्सिकोर र नेपाल ईन्जिनियर्स एशोसिएसनसंगको सहकार्यमा सम्पन्न;
ड्रोन याज ए सर्भिस , बिजनेस इन्कुबेसन प्रोग्राम सम्पन्न , नेपाल ईन्जिनियर्स एशोसिएसन तथा वुइ रोबोटिक्स (We Robotics) सँगको सहकार्यमा सम्पन्न;
यन्त्र इ – जी .आर. सी. टेककृति, आई .आई. टि. कानपुरसँगको सहकार्यमा सफलता पुर्वक गर्न सफल;
पोखरा र बिराटनगरमा क्षेत्रीयस्तरको रोबोटिक्स तालिम तथा प्रतियोगिता गराउन सफल;
मेड इन नेपाल एक्स्पोमा रोबोटिक्स प्रतियोगिता सम्पन्न गर्न सफल;

प्रदर्शनी तथा कार्यक्रमहरु:

एड्भान्सेज इन कम्प्युटर इन्टरटेनमेन्ट २०१२, टोक्यो विश्वबिद्यालयको सहकार्यमा गर्न सफल;
काठमाडौँ मिनि मेकर फेएर २०१६, अमेरिकी राजदुतावास , नेपाल कम्युनिटर , वर्ल्ड भिजन सँगको सहकार्यमा गर्न सफल;
भविष्य २०७४, विज्ञान तथा प्रविधि मन्त्रालय , कारखाना , वर्ल्ड भिजन, नास्ट तथा नेपाल आर्मीसँगको सहकार्यमा गराउन सफल;

तालिमहरु :

अमेरिकी राजदुतावाससँगको सहकार्यमा ७ जिल्ला (काठमाण्डौ, पोखरा , इलाम, बिराटनगर , धनगडी, सुर्खेत, भैरहवा ) मा पाँच दिने हार्डवेयर, सफ्टवेयर तथा विजनेस सम्बन्धि तालिम सम्पन्न;
नेपाल दूरसञ्चार प्राधिकरणसँगको सहकार्यमा गर्ल्स क्यान फ्लाई सम्पन्न;
अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय एकीकृत पर्वतीय विकास केन्द्रसँगको सहकार्यमा ८५+ जना ईन्जिनियर, आइ.टि, वन विज्ञान, कृषि , वातावरणका छात्राहरुलाई ‘Empowering Women In GIT’ ४ दिने कार्यक्रम गर्न सफल;
एरो स्पेस ईन्डियासँगको सहकार्यमा आर. सी एरोप्लेन वर्कसप गर्न सफल;
गो गर्ल्स वर्कसप (५ ओटा संस्करण) गर्न सफल;
हरेक वर्ष देश ब्यापी हार्डवयेर प्रोगरामिङ वर्कसप सम्पन्न;
३ डी प्रिन्टिङ्ग वर्कसप;
ड्रोन वर्कसप र अन्य;

भुकुम्पको बेलामा गरिएको कार्य:

लाईट अफ होप : सोलार तालिम तथा वितरण कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न ( ४२० ओटा सोलार सिस्टम ७ ओटा भूकम्प प्रभावित जिल्लामा वितरण )

प्रोजेक्टहरु :

बाढी जानु अघि अलार्म दिने प्रणाली मर्सीकोर सँगको सहकार्यमा बनाउन सफल;
स्विस कन्ट्याक्ट तथा डेवलपमेन्ट भोएज सँगको सहकार्यमा स्वचालित डी हस्किङ्ग मेसिन बनाउन सफल;
विदेशी विनिमय डिस्प्ले गर्ने इलेक्ट्रोनिक मेसिन बनाउन सफल;
ट्यांकीमा पानीको मात्रा पत्ता लगाउने मेसिन बनाउन सफल;
मौसमको गतिबिधि तथा त्यसको बारे सूचना दिने सिस्टम बनाउन सफल;
यु.एन.डि.पि. सँगको सहयोगमा प्लास्टिक पुनर्नवीनीकरण प्रोजेक्ट गर्दै;

सहकार्यहरु :

यु.एन.डि.पि.सँगको सहकार्यमा नेपालमा ‘Technology for Public Services and Development’ कार्यक्रम गर्न सफल; विश्वको पहिलो नागरिकता प्राप्त गर्ने रोबोट सोफिया लाई नेपालमा ल्याउन सफल;
अन्तरप्रेरणासँगको सहकार्यमा क्रिएटिभ विजनेस कप गर्दै;
अमेरिकी राजदुतावास, क्युस्ठब कोव , कारखाना र सिर्जनालयको सहकार्यमा ‘इन्नोभेसन फर एजुकेशन’ फेएर गर्न सफल;
तमासेक होल्डीङ्गसले भारतमा गर्न लागेको ‘IOT India’ मा नेपालबाट कन्ट्री पार्टनर बन्न सफल;

अन्य :

हरेक वर्ष नेपालभरि ५० भन्दा बडी सदस्यहरु बनाउन सफल;
बिभिन्न ईन्जिनीयरिङ’ कलेजमा रोबोटिक्स क्लबको स्थापना;
कलेजस्तरीय हार्डवेयर प्रदर्शनी सहकार्य सम्पन्न ( आई. ओ . ई , पुल्चोक , एडभान्सड ईन्जिनीयरिङ कलेज , हिमालयन कलेज अफ ईन्जिनीयरिङ, के. ई.सी धापाखेल , के. ई.सी कालिमाटी )
नाडा अटो शोमा नेपालमै बनेको रोबोटको प्रदर्शनी ;
एसएलसी तथा प्लस टू दिएका विद्यार्थीहरुलाई एल टू एल कक्षा सञ्चालन;


Bhawishya -2074






Bhawishya is a national event organized by Ministry of Science and Technology co-organized by Nepal Academy of Science and Technology along with organizing partners like Karkhana, Robotics Association of Nepal and Nepal Innovation Lab targetting young students aged 8-14. In this event, students get a platform to realize and solve real-world problems by building the project on the event day at the event venue.

It is a challenge involving Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Design and Mathematics (STEAM) subjects where students work in a team of 3 to build a project/working prototype that solves a real-world problem in Nepal. The problem that team is trying to solve is recommended (not compulsory) to addresses one or more goals mentioned in the Sustainable Development Goals but within a certain time frame. Students would have to build the project in the event venue itself and would be judged on the building process.


The event would be conducted on the following schedule

  • 09:00 AM to 09:30 AM: Breakfast
  • 09:00 AM to 10:00 AM: Registration and assigning tables
  • 10:00 AM to 02:00 PM: Prototype Building (Judging would be done for the entire 4 hours of work)
  • 01:00 PM to 02:00 PM: Lunch
  • 02:00 PM to 04:30 PM: Exhibition of the prototypes (Open for Public)
  • 04:30 PM to 05:00 PM: Closing



For Registration : http://www.bhawishyasteam.com/register/


New Team Formation

On Dec 23rd, Robotics Association Of Nepal (RAN) had formed new team after our Honourable President Mr. Dipesh Khanal and vice president Mr. Ajay Maharan resigned from their post. Both of them have worked very hard to take RAN this level. We would like to congratulate for their successful tenure in RAN. We also wish them all the best for their future endeavors and to achieve the dream they have imagined. After their resignation, new team with the energy of making RAN greater has been formed.

Mr. Bikash Gurung, current Secretary will reign as President of Robotics Association of Nepal along with Vice-President Mr. Utsab Shrestha. Mr. Bikrant karki, will take on the responsibility of Secretary, Mr. Binod Kandel as Joint Secretary and Mr. Prabesh Sapkota as Research and Development head. This team will act as RAN Core executive team.

RAN core executive team pledge all the members, Robotics enthusiasts, Supporters, Partners, Collaborators, Tech Hobbyists, students, innovators, tinkerers and everyone who are working for the development of Nepal through Robotics and Technology that RAN core executive team take this moment very important and wish for continuous love, support, suggestions, feedbacks for making the RAN greater.

This team believe in thoughtful action, so working together we will begin the task of developing nation through capacity building, problem solving and untapped potential of our members through innovative projects.We will strengthen our team at Biratnagar and Pokhara, thus making RAN strong all over the Nepal.

The 3 C’s will be heartily followed : Collaboration, Creativity and Communication along with three P’s : People, Process and Platform. With this, we will move forward with our thoughtful plans and projects like Yantra, Miss-Tech, Ujjwal Education, Makerspace and many more to take RAN step ahead. We will have great relationships with all our members, partners and collaborators.

This dynamic team has great potential, energy, agenda and commitment to work, creativity flows, innovations are thought here everyday, desire to be successful can be seen everywhere. This team need congratulations and well wishes to work for RAN, to work for Nation and to work together.



Drone Flight Permission


A drone, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), is an aircraft without a human pilot which can be controlled either autonomously by onboard computers or by the remote control of a pilot on the ground. As Nepal is one of the Himalayan countries, initially drone was used to carry important raw materials where transportation was not facilitated. With the massive use of drones, Civil Aviation Authority for Nepal (CAAN) proposed a law to regulate the drones uses in the country. Now, the drone is used in military services, rescue operations and for recreational purposes like taking personal photos, and videos. In Nepal, we can use drones inside our home and in our personal gardens. However, we need special permission from CAAN to use it, other than our personal properties.


  1. Request letter
  2. A filled up application form

This request letter should be written to the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal asking for permission to use

  1.  A copy of Operation Specifications of Drone.
  2. A copy of the map of the operation area.
  3. Copy that shows latitude/longitude of operation area.
  4. No Objection Recommendation letter of concerned owner/Unit if operation area is over private/ Public place or property.
  • If the operation area is on public property like roads, temples, etc you need to have a no-objection letter from the Department of Road and other such departments.
  • Letter from the concerned authority for a security clearance or other clearance.
  • This security clearance could be taken from the operation areas’ Police Headquarters.


Cost: You do not need to pay money to get permission to fly the drone.

Time Taken: After your all required documents are submitted and are simultaneously accepted by CAAN, you can get permission from CAAN to fly a drone within 3 days.


1. First of all, you should take a permission letter from the Municipality of the places that you want to fly a drone

2. Second, you need to take a recommendation letter from the CDO office. The CDO office will give a recommendation letter only after getting the permission letter from the municipality.

3. After showing these two letters to the Police Headquarters, the police headquarters of the places that you want to fly your drone will give you a security clearance letter or even provide security to the areas that you want to fly your drone, if necessary.

4. Then with a security clearance letter and all the documents listed above, you should submit the documents to the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal in the Drone operation permission department.

Additional Information

Note: Like other government offices of Nepal, CAAN is open from 10 am – 4 pm on working days and on Friday from 10 am to 3 pm.

There are limited laws to use a drone in Nepal, some of them are listed below:

1. You do not need permission to use a drone from CAAN if the drone is under 2 kg and you are using it under 200m on your personal properties like inside your house, land, and garden.

2. The aircraft must be kept within the visual line of sight (normally taken to be within 500 m horizontally and 400 ft vertically) of its remote pilot (i.e. the „person in charge‟ of it). Operations beyond these distances must be approved by the CAAN (the basic premise being for the operator to prove that he/she can do this safely).

3. Unmanned aircraft shall be permitted to be operated in day VMC conditions only.

4. CAAN permission is required for all flights that are being conducted for aerial work subject to the approval of the concerned Authority having jurisdiction over such aerial work.

5. If the operations are to be conducted in a Restricted or Prohibited area, prior approval from the concerned Authority is required before applying for CAAN permission.

6. Airport areas including take-off and approach paths shall be free of all UAV activity at all times regardless of altitude.

7. To use a drone in Nepal, you cannot get permission for a longer period of time like for a year but can get it for a short period of time.

For Detailed Drone Rules Issued By CAAN:

Visit: https://www.caanepal.org.np/flight-permission/drone/

Source: Nalibeli.org

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Yantra 5.0 Winner Press Release

मंग्शिर १५  ,२०७३

प्रेस बिज्ञप्ति

रोबोटिक्स एसोसियसन अफ नेपाल मुनाफा रहित गैर सहकारी संस्था हो जसले २०१० देखि रोबोटिक्स र स्वचालित इलेक्ट्रोनिक्समा काम गर्दै आइराखेको छ | हरेक बर्ष कला, बिज्ञान र प्रबिधिको महोत्सब यन्त्र उत्कृष्ट तरिकाले  मनाउदै आएका छौं |

यस  यन्त्र कार्येक्रम अन्तर्गत अन्तरास्ट्रिय  रोबोटिक्स प्रतियोगिता  हालै  मिती २०७३ साल मंग्शिर १५ गते रोबोटिक्स एसोसियसन अफ नेपाल सफलरुपमा आयोजाना गरिएको छ  । यन्त्र कृषककप्टर,  यन्त्र मनुअल अखडा, यन्त्र अटोमेटिक अखडा र  यन्त्र रेसरगरी ४  विधा रहेको यस अन्तर्राष्ट्रियस्तर  प्रतियोगितामा  नेपाल र बंगलादेशको  गरि ५६ ओटा इंजिनीरिंग र उच्च माध्यमिक  बिध्यालयक विध्यार्थी समूहको उत्साहाजनक सहभागिता थियो।

नास्टता उपकुलपति  डा. प्रो. जिब राज पोखरेलको प्रमुख आतिथ्यमा सुरु भएको कार्यक्रमको हौसला बढाऊन नेपाल इंजिनीरिंग परिसदक सभापति तथा नेपाल इंजिनीरिंग महासंघका  उपाध्यक्ष्य पाल्नु भएको थियो | नेपाल को बिज्ञान तथा प्रबिधिक विकासका  निमित्त  कार्यरत विशिष्ट ब्यक्तित्वको पनि उपस्तिथी रहेको थियो |

निकै नै प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक रहेको ड्रोन प्रतियोगितामा बंगलादेशको टिम बि.डी फ्ल्येर्स यन्त्र कृषककप्टरको बिजेता हुन पुग्यो , नेपालको बिजेताको रुपमा  काठमाडौँ इंजिनीरिंग कलेजको टिम रोबो के.ई.सी  दोश्रो भए | एडभन्स इंजिनीरिंग कलेज र ख्वोपा इंजिनीरिंग कलेजले सेमीफाइनलसम्मको यात्रासम्म तय गरेको थियो |

रोबोट वार्स यन्त्र म्यानुअल अखडामा वान म्यान आर्मी कुशल वाग्लेको कैकासले ७५ हजार हात पर्यो , आई. ओ . ई धरानको टिम पुर्बांचल क्याम्पसले दोश्रो स्थान हात पार्दै मेडल र ट्रफी उचाल्यो |

आफै संचालित रोबोटको प्रतियोगिता यन्त्र अटोमेटिक अखडामा ख्वोपा इंजिनीरिंग कलेजको टिम ख्वोपा लुरेले प्रथम स्थान हात पार्यो र रु. ५०,००० हजार घर लाग्यो | पावर , प्रोग्रामिंग र स्किलको भिडन्तमा एडभान्स कलेजको टिम अल्फामेल रिलोड़ेडले दोश्रो स्थान हात पार्दै ट्रफी र मेडल हात पर्यो | सेमी फाइनलसम्मको यात्रा कसमस कलेजको टिम सी इ आर टि र एडभान्स कलेजको टिम वानले तय गरेको थियो |

रोबोटहरुको रेसिंग कम्पिटिशनमा  बिराटनगरको टिम बक्सुस सिक्सले पचास हात पार्यो, त्यस्तै दोश्रो स्थानमा कोशी सेन्ट जेम्स स्कुलले  हात पार्यो | सेमीफाइनलसम्मको यात्रा नेपाल इंजिनीरिंग कलेजको टिम र पुर्बंचल क्याम्पसको टिमले तय गरेको थियो |

बिजेताहरुलाई  जम्मा  तीन  लाख पच्चीस  हजारको चेक हस्तान्तरण गरियो  |  यस संगै यस बर्ष यन्त्रको पाँचौं संस्करण “  यन्त्र ५.० कला, बिज्ञान तथा प्रबिधि महोत्सव २०१६ “ पौष ५ गतेसम्म संचालन हुनेछ |

राष्ट्रिय रोबोटिक्स प्रतियोगिताको रुपमा यन्त्र २०१२ देखि सुरु भएको थियो जसको बिजेताहरुलाई आइ. आइ. टिको अन्तराष्ट्रिय रोबोटिक्स प्रतियोगितामा  पठाइएको थियो | अहिले हामीले यस मंचलाई कलाकार, डाक्टर, इन्जिनियर तथा बिद्यार्थीहरुको सम्मेलन गर्ने मंच बनाएका छौँ | यस बर्ष यन्त्र ५.० “ कृषिमा नबिनता”को नारा दिएर अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय रोबोटिक्स प्रतियोगिता, श्रीजनशील  कम्पुटिंग, कला प्रबिधि प्रदर्शनी , यन्त्र लर्निंग, यन्त्र इन्कुबेसन र यन्त्र किड्स आयोजना हुदैंछ | पूरा कार्यक्रम तीन  हप्तासम्म लामो हुनेछ |

Press Release

Robotics Association of Nepal (RAN), is not-for-profit, non-governmental organization continuously working in the field of robotics and electronics automation since its establishment (2010). Each year we are celebrating a festival of art, science and technology called Yantra. This year we are organizing 5th edition of yantra as “Yantra 5.0, Art, Science  and Tech Festival, 2016”, starting from November 30, 2016 to December 20, 2016.

On the date of  11th November, 2016, the regional version of  Yantra- Yantra 4.1 East had been successfully conducted by RAN-East team. The event included three categories, including Yantra Racer, Yantra Akhada and Yantra School which had exciting 33 teams participation from different Schools, Colleges and Engineering Colleges.

Winners of the Purbanchal Robotics Competition participated at International Robotics Competition which was organized Army Physical Training and Fitness centre on November 30,2016 and officially Yantra 5.0 Art, Tech and Science Festival will be started.

This year International Robotics Competition had four different robotics competition :

  1. Krishakcopter- Drone Competition
  2. Yantra Manual Akhada –  Robot wars
  3. Yantra Automatic Akhada – Robot Wars
  4. Yantra Racer – Robot Racing Competition

Where 48 team including team from Bangladesh also participated. Inaugurated by Chief Guest Vice Chancellor Dr. Prof Jiba Raj Pokharel from NAST, International Robotics Competition started from  8:30 a.m. in the morning. The Chairperson from Nepal Engineering Council and Vice-president of Nepal Engineering Association were the Guest of honour for the event joined by reputed personality working in science and technology in Nepal.

The fight among Drones was the highlight of the program where Bangladeshi team BD Robots beat Kathmandu Engineering College’s team Robo KEC. Hence BD Robots standout as winner and the defending champion of previous main event KEC have to satisfy themselves as runner up. Advance College of Engineering and Management(ACEM) and Khwopa Engineering College were the semi-finalist.

Robot Wars Manual Akhada had the exciting battle between the team Caaicas led by Kushal Wagle, IOE Dharan. Kushal wagle was able to use his skills and talent along with the resources imported from U.S.

The Robot had to recognize their opponent and hit them and  drag them out of the game arena where team Khwopa Lure from Khwopa Engineering College beat team Alphamale reloaded  from Advance College of Engineering and Management(ACEM). Another team from Advance Engineering College of Management(ACEM) and team CERT from Cosmos College  were the semifinalist.

Robot Racing Competition Yantra Racer had the interesting final as Robot were racing against the time to win the final prize. The team Baksus 6 from biratnagar beat team  from Koshi st. James school in the final and stood them out the ultimate winner for the yantra racer. Semifinalist were team from Nepal Engineering College and Purbachanl campus.

The Winners were awarded with total Cash prize of Rs. 3,25,000.00.

Yantra was initiated by Robotics Association of Nepal in 2012 as a national robotics competition, whose winner were sent to International Robotics Competition in Indian Institute of Technology. Now we have opened this platform for collaboration among artists, doctors, educators, engineers and students. This year Yantra 5.0 with the theme “Agro-Innovation” has the International Robotics Competitions for tech enthusiast, Creative Computing for transferring the skill of coding, creating and computing to artists, doctors, and bankers the Art-tech exhibition to explore the work of artists and engineers, Paper  Presentation to find out the overall development of the existing products, Yantra Learning Software competition for software developer along with Yantra Incubation to encourage, curate and mentor the innovation into viable business focused on Agriculture.. Yantra Kids envisions the transfer of Technological knowledge to  Kids. The overall event lasts for more than two week.



Since 2011, Robotics Association of Nepal [RAN] has been organizing a national level robotics competitions and workshops to promote and educate in all the allied fields of robotics. Our constant search for relevance of technology  and collaboration has seen our flagship robotics event, YANTRA, grow into an enterprising Art, Science, and Technology Festival, celebrating different domains of knowledge.

Following the success of recent YANTRA 3.0, RAN will now feature an open DairyMaker Code+Design Challenge (DCDC) 2015 to enhance both automation and regulation skills in the dairy industry in Nepal. Through DairyMaker code + design challenge we offer students and professionals an unique opportunity to put their ideas into practice and inspire solutions to the local problems in the dairy industry. DCDC 2015 will also be supplemented by a series of workshops and events that will integrate the skills of designing, engineering, and prototyping.

11081171_775244672571766_1490726837269933069_nParticipant teams will be evaluated by an expert team for concept originality, feasibility, replicability, and innovation. Selected teams will receive specific training and ongoing research/development support from RAN. Three winning teams will then receive support for prototyping their designs and interacting with dairy experts. In competing in DCDC 2015, all participants will learn design-thinking and applicable engineering skills to address real problems and build tangible solutions.

Why Dairy Industry?

Dairy industry in Nepal is an incredibly dynamic sector, including livestock farmers to dairy entrepreneurs to nutritionists to food technologists to electrical and mechanical engineering to ICT experts. The industry reaches from the far-flung areas of Nepal’s rural landscape to highly automated production spaces in urban centers.

RAN believes that the dairy industry can increase its production efficiency and economic gain by utilizing features of automation and regulation ability locally in the production, procurement, storage, processing and distribution of dairy products. By initiating DCDC 2015 and venturing into prototyping, we also believe that we can innovate local solutions to our specific problems and engage a larger base of small dairy entrepreneurs across the country.


Creative originality: A vision that considers functions and aesthetics

Feasibility: Design can be implemented using available products, installment capacity, and energy availability  in the local market

Replicability: Design concept is amenable to decentralized production and maintenance

Innovation: Design concept demonstrates innovative application in enhancing dairy production and meets user needs


A team may consist of a maximum of 4 members. Students / Professionals from different educational institutions and discipline can also form a team.


Anyone who believes in solving local problem through local innovation and interested in using technology as a tool to prototype a solution.

If you have any confusion regarding rules then contact:

Dipesh Khanal | Secretary | 9841560420


What is a code+design challenge?

It is a competition for ideas that use coding in its function and design aesthetics to innovate solutions.

Interesting. Then, what exactly is DCDC2015?

It is a code+design challenge to

(1) identify a challenge in local dairy industry,

(2) propose a solution and,

(3) build a working prototype that solves the identified challenge.

Wow! That is ambitious. But, I do not know what challenges exist in the dairy industry?

You ask too many questions. But, since we are nice, here are a few challenges:

Supply chain in collection of milk

  • Automated milking
  • Cold storage

Dairy Production:

  • Humidity regulation
  • Temperature regulation
  • Bacterial regulation


  • Automated Dispensing
  • Leakage while packaging
  • Over and under weight of milk products

Examples of challenges in small scale Cottage Cheese (paneer) making process:

·         Temperature control system

·         Automated rennet (Catalyst used in Coagulation process) adding system without supervision.

·         Automated cutting system ( using gears or suspensions)

·         Timer

·         Motors ( for stirring purposes)

·         Drainage ( for separating whey)

·         Pressing ( to give a cubical firm shape)

Other challenges

  • Cattle management in farming level
  • Milk collection through herds
  • Cattle proper health care report
  • Accurate fat and SNF
  • Waste management
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3F7n_ZoknLE[/embedyt] [embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDp6F6DirGg[/embedyt]