Arduino Robotics

Workshop Course Outline:

  1. Introduction to Basic Electronics
  2. Introduction to Micro Controller
  3. Open Source Hardware and Software
  4. Introduction to Arduino
  5. Arduino Programming
  6. Sensor Interfacing
  7. Building Automatic Robot

Android-Arduino Interface and Android App Development

Towards the Centre and Bridge to Lanka were the Main events of Yantra 3.0 and Yantra 4.0 National Robotics Competition respectively. The participants of both the competition has to complete the task provided by controlling their Robot through android app. Android app controlled robot is new concept in the wireless control of the robot. To make all the participants familiar with this growing platform and encourage them in app based project, we Robotics Association Of Nepal conducted two days ‘Android Arduino workshop’ thrice before the event. The event see the participation of 15 teams from 10 different engineering college.

Workshop Course Outline:

  • SDK Package Distribution
  • Introduction to JDK, JRE
  • Introduction to SDK, AVD
  • Creating new project
  • Manifest file and introduction to the created source, resource and library
  • Simple Layout Design (Linear, Relative, Scroll, Frame layout etc.
  • Source code writing
  • Introduction to API
  • Introduction to JSON Data Structure

Advanced Robotics and Raspberry Pi Interfacing

Workshop Course Outline:

  1. Introduction to Raspberry Pi Hardware
  2. Use of Raspberry Pi
  3. Working with Raspberry Pi
  4. Introduction to linux operating system
  5. Other ways to use raspberry pi
  6. Raspberry Pi as server

What you will know?

  • Raspberry pi introduction
  • Raspberry pi connection with laptop
  • python programming
  • GPIO interfacing with pi
  • Camera interfacing
  • Arduino and raspberry pi connection

Component required per group

  1. Raspberry Pi 1
  2. SD card 8gb 1
  3. Keyboard  1
  4. Mouse 1
  5. Monitor or screen 1
  6. Router 1
  7. Ethernet cable 2
  8. Laptop or PC with any operating system

Scratch and Arduino Interfacing

Course Outline:


  1.   Interaction with the students
  2.   Awareness
  3.   What is programming?
  4.   Why Programming?
  5.   Challenges are given
  6.   Development of Game


  1. Software and driver installation before beginning of class
  2.  Introduction to open source hardware and software
  • Introduction to Arduino
  1. pin configuration for arduino
  2. component in arduino standard board
  3. pin description
  4. use of each pin
  • Introduction to Arduino IDE( software and drivers)
  1. Basic input output
  2. ADC(analog to digital converter)
  1. Introduction to sensor
  2. Sensor interface
    • . Ultrasonic sensor
  3. Interfacing arduino with scratch