About Mission Oxygen Team
Nepal's Robotics Innovation Hub
COVID19 has hit us hard, hundreds of people are dying on a daily basis from lack of ICU beds, Oxygen Supply and many others deprived of oxygen lying in the corridors of hospitals. Lots of Organizations, Alliances, Government Agencies, Groups are bringing the right tools and technologies to save people’s lives. It has been reported the Oxygen Plants, Concentrators, Ventilators and other equipment are coming to Nepal but without after sales support. Furthermore, lack of technicians is stopping the use of those life-saving devices.
As shared by Dr. Shishir, Bir Hospital during Innotalk #4, “ For the preparation of the 3rd wave, hospital administration should be able to update with technologies and must be able to use them when necessary for biomedical tools and technologies.” In Nepal, there was a shortage of oxygen, crisis production was tight but the main problem lay in real time oxygen mapping and management. Also with doctors, machines are saving lives and like the human body, they also need care and maintenance. So biomedical engineers are a must for this country and engineers and doctors need to collaborate now. For the 3rd wave, hospitals should step up and push the administration hard for next level preparation in this through digital push.
To fight these challenges, Robotics Association of Nepal [RAN], Biotechnology Society of Nepal [BSN] and Biomedical Engineering Foundation Nepal [BEFN] are working together as a Mission Oxygen Team [MOT] with Nepal Biomedical Association [NBA] as a supporting organization where we are recruiting Engineers with Biomedical background or have previously worked on Biomedical devices to install, operate, maintain and operate the Oxygen facilities all over Nepal as we three organization together would mobilize the members and other interested volunteers to solve these existing challenge.
Mission statement of Mission Oxygen Team [MOT]
Mission Oxygen Team [MOT] for you, is the team to reach out for any technical help to install, operate, repair any medical equipment including oxygen concentrators and plants. We are already working with the COVID Alliance team, Nepal Ventilators Bank, FNCCI Covid Crisis Support team. We are already a team of 150+ members who are trained engineers, enthusiasts and experts in the biomedical field
Functional Model of MOT
MOT main is the mainboard for communication, brainstorming, discussion, comments and advice among the 150 MOT members along with the MOT management Committee.
Mot Lead connects all the Provincial leads together for a successful work plan and implementation of the data collection and mobilization of the team members.
MOT mobilization Coordinator will make a mobilization plan and liaise with provincial lead for the successful management.
MOT Technical Coordinator manages all the training, workshops and field visits of the MOT members via provincial lead.
MOT coordinator liaise wit MOT experts, MOT Mobilization Coordinator, MOT Technical Coordinator and MOT management committee for the effective data collection real time monitoring and install, operate, repair and maintain mission.
Fight Against Covid 19 Crisis
Are you interested to help institutions with biomedical support to install, operate and repair medical equipments?