
Girls can fly 1.0

The aim of our  Miss-Tech “Girls can fly” workshop (24th- 26th April) was to try and make  girls to be able to assemble the parts of drone and be able to pilot the drone( flying the drone) deprived of presenting it in a simple way to motivate themselves and the society, challenging them to think deeply and enabling them to work collaboratively.

It was divided into three days :

Day 1: Introduction to drone and its hardware parts

Day 2: Assembling the hardware parts of drone

Day 3: Drone flight practice

Women Technopreneur under Girls in Tech program:

  • Women Technopreneur ‘ skill based Knowledge Transfer  training under Girls in Tech program where 60 participants from American Corner Kathmandu.

The description of trainings at AC’s :On 1st day , 21 participants were  present in the 1st shift  and they are divided into 10 teams,as the opportunity to work with  others, rather than on their own, can help an individual develop their interpersonal skills such as speaking and listening as well  as team working skills such as leadership. Collaborating with others will help identify our own strengths and weaknesses and sharing and discussing ideas in groups can play a vital role in deepening our understanding of a particular subject area. After Group Division, then they entered with game development process beginning with scratch programming. On 2nd dayapp development through MIT App Inventor training was conducted. Participants played with various designing components and were able to use all the blocks in their program. It included changing graphics, adding sounds, using sensors,  and using blocks for programming for making apps. At the end, they became familiar with the process of making an  application for android phone and were assigned a task of making other different android apps. The hardware interfacing through Arduino training was on 3rd day.  There were two shifts one shift  with 21 participants and another shift with 27 participants. After completion of game development phase, the girls start to learn about the basic of hardware. They were taught from basics of arduino, their commands & syntax. Firstly, they were taught about LED polarity, how to give power supply and about program code to simply turn led off and on.A microcontroller board called Arduino Uno was used during training period.Using serial communication they further control led  by giving certain commands like when they gave an ‘a’ character then it turns led on and when they give ‘b’ character then it turns ed off. Further, they learned about sensors and their implementation.Girls also learned about interaction between software and hardware. Similarly the application they built from MIT-INVENTOR was implemented in Arduino workshop.Using this app and with the help of Bluetooth module they automatically control led light. On 4th daySocial networking through BLOG training was conducted after the successful completion of 3 days workshop.  Participants explored their willingness and creativity and hence they got to know, they can create a blog with the same creativity.They got to know about blog and vlog along with their characteristics. They created a blog website in which the content was their own creativity and simultaneously they were provided the knowledge on adsense account. Finally they made their Adsense  account and came to know that they will be able to earn money through blogging. After the completion of the game development , android app development , hardware interfacing and blogging,participants began to learn about the Entrepreneurship on 5th day. They learned  about the characteristics ,habits of entrepreneurs and women entrepreneurs in Nepal.  Also, they learned about women empowerment,public speaking and business skills. They used a business model canvas to create their business prototype  which contained key components of business.By using blogging as a channel for the business ,in future,they can share the skills on scratch , mit app inventor and arduino , they have learnt in these four days. On the fifth day of the technical workshop,they  were able to create their business using blog and  share their skills and ideas to empower other women and became a true entrepreneur.


Miss Tech 2016

Event details

The aim of our  Miss-Tech 2016“Sparkle with Water” event (9th December) was to try and make  girls to be able to develop a program (an interactive game) using real-life problems of what women are deprived of presenting it in a simple way to motivate themselves and the society, challenging them to think deeply and enabling them to work collaboratively.

It was divided into two categories :

  1. Splash
  2. Aquathon

Splash :

Scratch is a free visual programming language developed to help simplify the process of creating and programming animations, games, music, interactive stories and moreIt is easy to learn and we can build programs for a computer immediately.Girls who were under 18 developed the pc games on Scratch.

More than 80 participants were given series of workshop divided into 3 series workshop as the opportunity to work with others, rather than on their own, can help an individual develop their interpersonal skills such as speaking and listening as well as team working skills such as leadership. Collaborating with others will help identify our own strengths and weaknesses and sharing and discussing ideas in groups can play a vital role in deepening our understanding of the subject. Participants were asked their group name and after then they entered to the game development process  on scratch beginning based on water management theme.

Aquathon :

Arduino has been the brain of thousands of projects, from everyday objects to complex scientific instruments. After providing series of workshop about arduino, girls above 18 were able to develop an android app using MIT App inventor and control the arduino using the android app. They were provided with a theme based on water management.   On the day of Dec 5 and 6 we conducted hackathon at Microsoft Innovation Center Nepal,there were 16 participants , where they were asked their group name and  after the team formation of 4 they then entered to the app development process  on MIT app inventor and developed hardware using arduino based on water management theme. There were 4 mentors and the whole Miss-Tech team to guide them to build the prototype.On the final day there were able to create the prototype. Several interesting projects were developed which were presented at the day of final event.

Finally on the day of the event both the participants from “Splash” and “Aquathon” came forward in a competition.At the beginning of the event, girls under 18 presented their pc games on scratch before the judges and the guests.And, then the girls above 18 presented their prototype before the judges and their guests.At the end , from both the categories winners were announced and rewarded for their hardwork.

From the “Splash” the team “Sum” secured the first position and “MS” secured first-runner up position. From the “Aquathon” the team “Elysian” secured the first position and “Saase” secured first-runner up position. The event was conducted successfully.

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Light of Hope

At Robotics Association of Nepal, as engineers, we not only find the problems but also look for the creative solution to those problems. Be it an agricultural issues [DCDC 2015], or implementation of students’ invention [Innovation Center], or platform for robotics enthusiast and artists [Yantra Art, Science, Tech festival]. After #Nepal Earthquake, we identified communication and illumination as one of the major problem faced by Nepalese after food, clothing and shelter issue. To solve this problem, we have developed Solar Powered Light and Mobile Charger (SPLMC) which could support three mobiles and two 3W LED bulb at a time.

The team of Robotics Association of Nepal had gone for survey on remote villages of Nuwakot District. According to the Local Development Office, Nuwakot, after Nepal was hit by 7.9 Richter scale, almost 80% of Houses of Nuwakot are destroyed. Mainly old houses made up of mud were highly damaged causing hundreds of death. Since then there is no proper supply of electricity in the upper hilly villages of Nuwakot. The locals of such areas have to spend 10 hours of walk for 2 hours of mobile charge to the headquarter of Nuwakot, Bidur and ain’t able to live with proper sight during night time.


After the surveyon remote areas of Nuwakot district , our team went to Jiling V.D.C which is at the altitude of about 2100 km above the sea. It took us one and half hour bike ride from Dhamale to reach at the village area of Jiling through spiral gravel roads. Beautiful Jiling V.D.C was turned into cruel dust leaving 1000 of villagers homeless. Most of the villagers had dead mobiles waiting for our arrival to make it function again. Villagers shared they have been overlooked for rescue and relief operation as they weren’t easily accessible. Then, two systems were distributed in responsibility of Mr.Nabaraj Lama, social teacher of community school. We hope there won’t be suffocation for communication as villagers will be able to charge their mobile and sight stimulation can be fulfilled to some extent.

After our announcement of #Light Of Hope Earthquake Relief Campaign, the needy persons are contacting us for the system supply. We have successfully deployed  204  “Solar Powered Light And Mobile Charger”  station to following districts of Nepal in collaboration with Ghampower Nepal Pvt.Ltd.. We are also working with different relief teams like World Peace Earthquake relief Helping Hands, local relief teams  like Bharat prasad Smriti Pratisthan in order to make our work efficient.

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZufAF_5GI0[/embedyt]

To Learn about #LightOfHope-Differently abled

people(Sindhupalchowk), click here

Distribution Channels are listed below :

DistrictV.D.CToleOrganization/personNumber of Distribution
NuwakotJilingBaghkhorNavraj Lama,Teacher2
NuwakotJilingDevighatBir Bahadur Bohara, CDO officer1
NuwakotKumeriKumeriRaju Das Shrestha1
NuwakotChhautheChhautheRaju Das Shrestha1
NuwakotSamundradeviSamundradeviJitendra Bista2
NuwakotBetiniBetiniShriman Tamang1
LalitpurShakhuSakhuAshim Sitaula1
DhadingJiwanpur-5Jiwanpur-5Kishor Kandel1
DhadingChhatre deuraliChhatre DeuraliKrishna Das Shrestha1
NuwakotBalkumariBalkumariSanta Bahadur Tamang1
NuwakotBadrutarBhedabariSri Krishna Khatiwada1
NuwakotBhadrutarBhadrutarKp Lamichane1
DolakhaGairimudiGairimudiBasudha Rai2
KavreKoshipariKoshipariThakur Bastola2
NuwakotNarjaMandapSahareDipty Serchan2
KavreKoshipari4,5,6Koshipari 4,5,6Thakur Baskota3
SindhupalchowkSinapokhare 1,3Sinapokhare 1,3Sibahari sapkota2
SindhupalchowkBhotsipa-8,9Bhotsipa-8,9Sibahari Sapkota2
NuwakotBetini 1,2Betini 1,2Shriman Tamang2

Distribution Program Photos:

Further Planned Area:

As electricity will be major issue even after resettlement, so we are targeting to distribute Solar Powered Light and Mobile Chargers to remote villages of Nepal which are as follows:

DistrictV.D.CToleContact PersonNo.of Distribution
NuwakotGaunkharkaPolice stationShriman Tamang2
DolakhaBulungbulungShreeram Khadka18
DolakhaChilankhChilankhGanesh Bahadur Khadka18
DolakhaOrangOrangKailash Khadka18
DolakhaLadukLadukTekman Tamang18
DolakhaLambagarLambagarYadav Prasad upadhayaAcharya18
KavreSakhupati chaurAakal khetThakur baskota20
KavreRamechhapRamechhapBinod Kandel2
KavreNalaNalaPrabesh Sapquata2
NuwakotBetiniBetiniShriman Tamang2
GorkhaGumdaGumdaChham Bahadur Tamang20
RasuwaRasuwaRasuwaSameer & Deepak Devkota22
DolakhaLapilangLapilangDolakha Patrakar15

Each system consists of following electronics components:

1Solar Panel(20W)1
2Solar Charge Controller1
3Battery(12V/ 7.4AH)1
4LED bulb(3W)1
5Cambo Mobile Charger1
6DC to DC converter and mobile Charger1
7Two Phase Wire10 m
8Bulb holder1

In this overwhelming distressed circumstance, we Robotics Association Of Nepal are trying our best to help the  underprivileged villagers due to the geographical backwardness.


Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a free web service, developed by Google for schools, that aims to simplify creating, distributing, and grading assignments in a paperless way. The primary purpose of Google Classroom is to streamline the process of sharing files between teachers and students.

Google Classroom enables teachers to create an online classroom area in which they can manage all the documents that their students need. Documents are stored on Google Drive and can be edited in Drive’s apps, such as Google Docs, Sheets, and so on. But what separates Google Classroom from the regular Google Drive experience is the teacher/student interface, which Google designed for the way teachers and students think and work. During this lockdown period, google classroom can really prove beneficial for students and teachers to continue the learning process. As schools are not able to run it can help to cover up a lot through its interactive and easy to use interface Some primary features of google classroom are:

  • Making Assignments

The assignment is one of the key parts of learning. As a teacher one can easily make homework assignments by uploading the necessary documents for the students to read or work on.Students receive e-mail notification of new assignment. The students “turn in” the assignment when finished, and teachers can then grade the assignments.

  • Store Classroom Materials

Google Classroom allows storing not only the documents and materials for an assignment but also the classroom material such as books.

  • Student Interaction

This is the most important feature of google classroom as it allows students to interact with each other and the teacher through the interface in real-time. They can comment on assignments and announcement through the same interface. This helps a lot during the current situation as schools are not able to conduct classes and have to opt for online classes.

We have prepared documentation for Getting Started with Google Classroom for teacher and students which could be accessed from below:

Google Classroom [Teacher’s Copy] Download for Teacher

Google Classroom [Student’s Copy]Download for Student


Mission Oxygen Team

COVID19 has hit us hard, hundreds of people are dying on a daily basis from lack of ICU beds, Oxygen Supply and many others deprived of oxygen lying in the corridors of hospitals. Lots of Organizations, Alliances, Government Agencies, Groups are bringing the right tools and technologies to save people’s lives. It has been reported the Oxygen Plants, Concentrators, Ventilators and other equipment are coming to Nepal but without after sales support. Furthermore, lack of technicians is stopping the use of those life-saving devices.

As shared by Dr. Shishir, Bir Hospital during Innotalk #4, “ For the preparation of the 3rd wave, hospital administration should be able to update with technologies and must be able to use them when necessary for biomedical tools and technologies.” In Nepal, there was a shortage of oxygen, crisis production was tight but the main problem lay in real time oxygen mapping and management. Also with doctors, machines are saving lives and like the human body, they also need care and maintenance. So biomedical engineers are a must for this country and engineers and doctors need to collaborate now. For the 3rd wave, hospitals should step up and push the administration hard for next level preparation in this through digital push.

To fight these challenges, Robotics Association of Nepal [RAN], Biotechnology Society of Nepal [BSN] and Biomedical Engineering Foundation Nepal [BEFN] are working together as a Mission Oxygen Team [MOT] with Nepal Biomedical Association [NBA] as a supporting organization where we are recruiting Engineers with Biomedical background or have previously worked on Biomedical devices to install, operate, maintain and operate the Oxygen facilities all over Nepal as we three organization together would mobilize the members and other interested volunteers to solve these existing challenge.

Fight Against Covid 19 Crisis

Are you interested to help health institutions with biomedical support to install, operate and repair medical equipments?

Join Mission Oxygen Team

mission statement of mission oxygen team
Mission Statement of Mission Oxygen Team [MoT]

Mission Oxygen Team [MOT] for you, is the team to reach out for any technical help to install, operate, repair any medical equipment including oxygen concentrators and plants. We are already working with the COVID Alliance team, Nepal Ventilators Bank, FNCCI Covid Crisis Support team. We are already a team of  150+ members who are trained engineers, enthusiasts and experts in the biomedical field.

model of functionality of mission oxygen team with four major roles.
Functional Model of Mission Oxygen Team

MOT main is the mainboard for communication, brainstorming, discussion, comments and advice among the 150 MOT members along with the MOT management Committee.

MOT Lead connects all the Provincial leads together for a successful work plan and implementation of the data collection and mobilization of the team members.

MOT Mobilization Coordinator will make a mobilization plan and liaise with provincial lead for the successful management.

MOT Technical Coordinator manages all the training,workshops and field visits of the MOT members via provincial lead.

MOT coordinator liaise with MOT Experts, MOT Mobilization Coordinator, MOT Technical Coordinator and MOT management committee for the effective data collection, real time monitoring and install, operate, repair and maintain mission.


3D-Printing Services in Nepal

Are you looking for a 3D Printing Service in Nepal?

Do you want  3D printed materials for your official, project, architectural designs, prosthetics, legos, modeling, sampling, molding purposes?

Robotics Association Of Nepal(RAN) has been providing 3d printing services in Nepal since 2012.  Up box plus and UP box mini print your stuff within hours of time to fulfill your desire for the real experience of any design you want to print.

Cost: Rs. 50 per gm($0.5 per gm). If the print weight is more than 100gm, only rs.40 per gm

If you have a 3D design with yourself, there won’t be an extra charge.

If we have to 3D model your design, then it depends upon what kind of design you want with us and how complex it is.

Send us your design/queries at info(@)ran(.)org(.)np to print what you want.

Note: The 3D printer we have can only print at a max of 30cm*30cm*30cm. Plastic Material: PLA.

Let’s print what you have imagined with us. First time in Nepal.

Message us at https://www.facebook.com/nepal.ran.

Call us at 9860059600 // 9860478881.


Lifetime Membership

Leaders pushing the innovation in Nepal is what we need as Lifetime Members!!

In our mission of Creating the Robotics Industry in Nepal by 2030, RAN wants experts, innovators, thought-leaders, futurists, tinkerers, entrepreneurs, believers, achievers to be part of RAN as a lifetime member and support RAN in its mission. 

Your Curiosity, Your guidance, Your thoughts, Your experience would be important for us to shape our strategies in working for the future of Nepal. RAN wants to establish itself as a strong organization reshaping the economy through next-generation technology for which RAN invites all the like-minded, growth-oriented, forward thinkers at RAN as lifetime members. Your engagement as a lifetime member will support RAN in developing resource centers for Robotics and Automation enthusiasts, capitalize on National and International Opportunities, create synergy in pushing Development Agencies and Government bodies in promoting and developing emerging technologies to work level by level on Fourth Industrial Revolution in Nepal.

RAN has a lot to offer you as a lifetime member. Life-time members can enjoy the following great benefits :

  • Work together with RAN in organizing and developing Plans and Policies for making Emerging technologies adaptable to Nepal.
  • Jointly organize National and International Events in partnership with International Partners.  
  • Given priority in International Program participation and National Multi stakeholders project partnership.
  • Possible project partnership National opportunities.
  • Access to RAN’s member’s network, market, RAN’s partners, and important findings
  • Discounts from our partners, institutions, and companies.
  • Discounted and free Robotics and Automation program, free referrals to members nominee.
  • Special Invitation to RAN’s National and International Programs
  • Lead & Guide different committees formed under RAN joined by general members.
  • Lifetime member personalized ID cards with unlimited time, Gold pin, T-shirts,  Distinctive Certificates &  Graphics.
  • Supports the development of Resource Centre – Open and Accessible tools and resources at RAN.
  • Access to Tools and resources available at RAN’s resource center as well as its partner’s resources. Tools include Drones, 3D Printers,
  • Avoid Annual Dues and Renewals.
  • Networking and Connection to RAN’s provincial offices.
  • Priority in RAN’s event speaker selection.
  • Receive regular RAN messages, such as new events, programs, competitions, webinars, conferences, projects, and many others.
  • Join an annual strategic meeting of the RAN.
  • Highlighted Bio of the member in RAN’s website & social media.
  • and many more.

The process for the lifetime membership applications is as follow:

  1. Apply for the lifetime membership filling up the form available from here: https://forms.gle/LZQEwqKtJbj6n9ju8
  2. Screening of the application
  3. Candidates will be informed of the enrollment and membership registration deposit
  4. Lifetime Membership Certificate Distribution and Felicitation

Lifetime Membership Registration Charge: NRs. 10,000/- (Ten Thousand Only)

Bank Account Details for Registration Charge Deposit

Bank: Nepal Investment Bank Ltd.
Account Name: Robotics Association of Nepal
Account Number: 01601030033220


  • 9840088259 || 9810260543 (RAN OFFICE)
  • 9843697694 || 9803926279 (Omkar Jaiswal, Joint Secretary)
  • info(@)ran(.)org(.)np

One Day Robotics Course

Ujjwal Education, the robotics education initiative of RAN is organizing a “One Day Robotics Course” so that anyone from any age group can keep learning robotics and programming every day. You can book your seat for just NRs. 300/- per day. We will bring 3 unique robotics and programming courses every week that will build your foundation for Science & Technology.
Go to registration link for content and details: https://bit.ly/3hKzO9a

One Day Robotics Workshop-3 workshop every week-Celebrating 8th National Science Day

RAN Membership Registration 2020-2021

Documents to be presented during the application of the membership form.

Recommendation letter (Preferred)
Resume / Curriculum Vitae
Membership Eligibility Criteria :

    Anyone who has either:

Recommendation letter
From respective robotics club or college or school (Preferred)
Participated in at least three RAN events either
Organized by RAN (Preferred)
Supported by RAN (Preferred)
Enthusiasm in working in the field of robotics and technology.
(Applicant with past projects preferred)

Registration Fee: NRs 1000.00/-

T-shirt Charge: NRs 500.00/- (Optional)

The validation of RAN membership lasts for a year.

Annual Membership Renew Charge: Rs 500.00/- ( For Eligible only)

As a RAN Member you:

Will get training package free of the cost being organized by RAN
Recognition as a member of RAN in our websites and social media
Meeting with the different personalities of robotics, electronics and communication, and technology fields
Participation in personal skill development workshops
Opportunity to lead different committees.
From the selected members RAN forms different Robotics committee as mentioned below
AI & Robotics Committee
Space & Robotics Committee
Research and Development Committee
Policy Development Committee
Research Committee
A recommendation letter. (Charge Applied )
RAN’s ID Card
Can be involved in Research and Development Project.
Can involve in different events of RAN as:
Game Lead
Make your Resume attractive by adding RAN’s Membership experience.
As a RAN Member you:

Have to follow the constitution of RAN.
Have to follow the decision made by the Executive Committee.
Have to take responsibility for completing the task assigned on time.
Have to maintain the goodwill of RAN
Shortlisted candidates will be called for the interview and selected accordingly.

Selection will be done on a rolling basis.


Registration Form: RAN Membership Registration Form 2020-2021


खाना तथा औषधोपचारका सामाग्रि ओसार्ने रोबोट परीक्षण सम्बन्धि प्रेस विज्ञप्ति

रोबोटिक्स एसोसिएसन अफ नेपाल [ र्यान ] ले खाना तथा औषधि बोक्ने रोबोटको पहिलो परीक्षण शिक्षण अस्पताल, महाराजगंजमा सफलतापूर्वक सम्पन्न गरेको छ । चैत्र ३० मा, विकासकर्ता सहितको टोलीले शिक्षण अस्पतालका बायोमेडिकल ईन्जिनियरसँगको समन्वय पश्चात शिक्षण अस्पतालको भ्रमण गर्नुभएको थियो । शिक्षण अस्पतालसँगको समन्वयतामा यस रोबोटका एक विकासकर्ता तथा कान्तिविर नामक समुहका पंकज जपरेलको मुख्य भुमिका रहेको थियो ।

रोबोट बनाउने समुहले अस्पतालका निर्देशक डा. प्रेमकृष्ण खड्गलाई परीक्षण सम्बन्धि जानकारी गराएर आइसोलेसन वार्डमा रहेका नर्सहरूसँग वार्तालाप गरे जो कोरोना शंका लागेका बिरामिहरूको हेरचाहमा खटिएका थिए ।

रोबोनट्स नामक समुहको टोली प्रमुख समेत रहेका पृथ्वी चौधरीले रोबोट कसरी सञ्चालन गर्ने र हरेक बेडमा खाना तथा औषधिहरू कसरि ढुवानी गर्ने भन्ने बारेमा एक डेमो प्रस्तुति दिनुभयो । आइसोलेसन वार्ड कोरोना आशंका लागेका तथा संक्रमित बिरामिको उपचारको लागि तयार गरिएको हुँदा उक्त सफल डेमो प्रस्तुति हाम्रो लागि कोसेढुंगा सावित भयो । साथै ओजटेक नामक संस्थाका रिचन जोशीले एफपीभी (First Person View) सेटको साथ रोबोट कसरी प्रयोग गर्ने, यसलाई कसरी सजिलै सँग नियन्त्रण गर्न सकिन्छ र कसरी स्वास्थ्यकर्मीहरूले यसलाई खाना तथा औषधि वितरणमा सञ्चालन गर्न सक्षम हुनसक्छन् भन्ने बारेमा नर्सहरूलाई विस्तृत जानकारि दिनुभयो । एफपीभी सेटको सहायताले रोबोट चालकले रोबोटको नजरबाट रोबोट कसरि गुडिरहेको छ भन्ने जानकारि रोबोटमा राखिएको क्यामेराको दृश्य सहित हेर्न सक्छन् । पंकज जपरेलले सफलतापूर्वक रोबोटलाई आइसोलेसन वार्डमा चलाए पश्चात रोबोटले कसरि स्वचालित रूपमा आफ्नो तथा बिरामिको सरसफाई गर्न सक्छ र बिरामि र स्वास्थयकर्मिहरूबिचको संवाद कसरि गर्न सकिन्छ भन्ने विषयमा स्वास्थ्यकर्मिहरूबाट सुझाव तथा रोबोटको काम सम्बन्धि प्रतिक्रिया लिनुभयो । रोबोटलाई सम्माननिय स्वास्थ्य मन्त्री भानुभक्त ढकालको समक्ष चैत्र २ गते दिउँसो २ बजे स्वास्थ्य तथा जनसंख्या मन्त्रालयमा समेत प्रदर्शनि गरिएको थियो ।

रोबोटको सहायताले नर्सहरु तथा स्वास्थ्यकर्मिहरूको प्रत्यक्ष सहभागिता बिनानै कोरोना आशंका लागेका तथा संक्रमित बिरामिहरूको उचित हेरचाह तथा उपचार निश्चित गर्न सकिन्छ भन्ने आशा गरिएको छ ।

रोबोटिक्स एसोसिएसन अफ नेपाल द्वारा गरिएका अन्य पहलहरु:

ड्रोन र्यापिड रेस्पोन्स टिम कोभिड–१९ नेपाल [Drone Rapid Response Team Covid-19 Nepal]:

रोबोटिक्स एसोसिएशन अफ नेपाल [ र्यान ] विगत १४ दिनदेखि रोबोटिक्स एण्ड टेक कम्युनिटी, रोबोटिक्स एसोसिएसन अफ नेपाल फारवेस्ट, रोबोटिक्स एसोसिएसन अफ नेपाल इस्ट, इनोभेटिभ घर नेपाल, जीबीएस टीम, नेपाल फ्लाइङ्ग ल्याब, नक्सा, मधुका ड्रोन सर्विसेज, ड्रोनेपाल, एयरलिफ्ट नेपाल, ओजटेक, क्वाडकप्टर्स नेपाल, पार्टी नेपाल र प्याराडीगम टिभी लगायतसँगको समन्वयमा र्यापिड रेस्पोन्स टिम कोभिड-१९ नेपालमा काम गरिरहेको छ ।

ड्रोन र्यापिड रेस्पोन्स टिम कोभिड-१९ नेपालको मिशन कोभिड-१९ को बिरूद्ध रोबोटिक्स र ड्रोन समुदायको रेसपोन्स बनाउने हो र लकडाउनको समयमा जनताको गतिबिधि अनुगमनमा सरकारलाई सहयोग पुर्‍याउनु साथ- साथै जनताको गोपनीयता र डाटा सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित गर्नु हो । ड्रोन र्यापिड रेस्पोन्स टिम कोभिड-१९ नेपालको एन्ड्रोइड एप यहाँ बाट प्राप्त गर्न सकिन्छ : DRRT Covid 19 APK साथै ड्रोन र्यापिड रेस्पोन्स टिम फ्रेमवर्क यहाँ बाट हेर्न सकिन्छ : DRRT Framework

एयर भेन्टिलेटर:

रोबोटिक्स एसोसिएसन अफ नेपालका सदस्य कपालिक खनाल मेकानिकल भेन्टिलेटर प्रणालीमा काम गरिरहेकाछन् जसले अम्बु ब्यागले हावालाई भेन्टिलेटर प्रणालीमा पम्प गर्नको लागि प्रयोग गर्दछ। कपालिक नेपालका अस्पतालमा भेन्टिलेटरको अभावलाई पूरा गर्नको लागि कम लागतको तर स्केलेवल मेकानिकल भेन्टिलेटरको डिजाइन र विकासको प्रक्रियामा छन् ।

त्यस्तै रोबोटिक्स एसोसिएशन अफ नेपालको रिसर्च तथा डेवलपमेन्ट टिम रोबनट्ससँग मिलेर मेकानिकल भेन्टिलेटरमा बनाउन कार्यरत छन् । यो भेन्टिलेटरको नमुना शिक्षण अस्पतालमा उपलब्ध छ। थ्रीडी डिजाइन निर्माण गरि यस नमुनाको काम जाँच गर्न र प्रमाणित गर्न डिजाइन प्रिन्टमा काम गरिरहेका छन् । यस्तै मेकानिकल भल्भ समावेश भएको एयर भेन्टिलेटर प्रणाली पनि अनुसन्धानको चरणमा छ ।

नेपाल इनोभेसन म्यापर टुल:

रोबोटिक्स एसोसिएसन अफ नेपाल [र्यान] स्वास्थ्य तथा जनसंख्या मन्त्रालय, गृह मन्त्रालय, उद्योग वाणिज्य तथा आपूर्ति मन्त्रालयलाई सहयोग पुर्‍याउन नक्सासँग डिजिटल साझेदारको रूपमा शिक्षा, विज्ञान र प्रविधि मन्त्रालय र द एसिया फाउन्डेसनको सहयोगमा नेपाल र दक्षिण एशियामा सुरू गरिएका कोभिड-१९ सम्बन्धित नविनतम परियोजनाहरू र पहलहरूको पहिचान गर्न प्रयास गरि सामुहिक रिपोर्टिङ र सामुहिक म्यापिङ मा काम गरेर सम्पुर्ण जानकारी ओपन सोर्स बनाउने परियोजनामा काम गरिरहेको छ यो सम्बन्धि जानकारि केहिदिनमा सार्वजनिक गरिने छ ।

यस बाहेक सहि सुचना जनता माझ पुर्याउन True News in Nepal र कोभिड-१९ टेस्ट बुथमा पनि र्यानले काम गरिरहेको छ ।

खाना,औषधोपचारका सामाग्रि ओसार्ने रोबोटको प्रेश विज्ञप्तिडाउनलोड गर्नुहोस्
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