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Yantra 5.0 Winner Press Release

मंग्शिर १५  ,२०७३

प्रेस बिज्ञप्ति

रोबोटिक्स एसोसियसन अफ नेपाल मुनाफा रहित गैर सहकारी संस्था हो जसले २०१० देखि रोबोटिक्स र स्वचालित इलेक्ट्रोनिक्समा काम गर्दै आइराखेको छ | हरेक बर्ष कला, बिज्ञान र प्रबिधिको महोत्सब यन्त्र उत्कृष्ट तरिकाले  मनाउदै आएका छौं |

यस  यन्त्र कार्येक्रम अन्तर्गत अन्तरास्ट्रिय  रोबोटिक्स प्रतियोगिता  हालै  मिती २०७३ साल मंग्शिर १५ गते रोबोटिक्स एसोसियसन अफ नेपाल सफलरुपमा आयोजाना गरिएको छ  । यन्त्र कृषककप्टर,  यन्त्र मनुअल अखडा, यन्त्र अटोमेटिक अखडा र  यन्त्र रेसरगरी ४  विधा रहेको यस अन्तर्राष्ट्रियस्तर  प्रतियोगितामा  नेपाल र बंगलादेशको  गरि ५६ ओटा इंजिनीरिंग र उच्च माध्यमिक  बिध्यालयक विध्यार्थी समूहको उत्साहाजनक सहभागिता थियो।

नास्टता उपकुलपति  डा. प्रो. जिब राज पोखरेलको प्रमुख आतिथ्यमा सुरु भएको कार्यक्रमको हौसला बढाऊन नेपाल इंजिनीरिंग परिसदक सभापति तथा नेपाल इंजिनीरिंग महासंघका  उपाध्यक्ष्य पाल्नु भएको थियो | नेपाल को बिज्ञान तथा प्रबिधिक विकासका  निमित्त  कार्यरत विशिष्ट ब्यक्तित्वको पनि उपस्तिथी रहेको थियो |

निकै नै प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक रहेको ड्रोन प्रतियोगितामा बंगलादेशको टिम बि.डी फ्ल्येर्स यन्त्र कृषककप्टरको बिजेता हुन पुग्यो , नेपालको बिजेताको रुपमा  काठमाडौँ इंजिनीरिंग कलेजको टिम रोबो के.ई.सी  दोश्रो भए | एडभन्स इंजिनीरिंग कलेज र ख्वोपा इंजिनीरिंग कलेजले सेमीफाइनलसम्मको यात्रासम्म तय गरेको थियो |

रोबोट वार्स यन्त्र म्यानुअल अखडामा वान म्यान आर्मी कुशल वाग्लेको कैकासले ७५ हजार हात पर्यो , आई. ओ . ई धरानको टिम पुर्बांचल क्याम्पसले दोश्रो स्थान हात पार्दै मेडल र ट्रफी उचाल्यो |

आफै संचालित रोबोटको प्रतियोगिता यन्त्र अटोमेटिक अखडामा ख्वोपा इंजिनीरिंग कलेजको टिम ख्वोपा लुरेले प्रथम स्थान हात पार्यो र रु. ५०,००० हजार घर लाग्यो | पावर , प्रोग्रामिंग र स्किलको भिडन्तमा एडभान्स कलेजको टिम अल्फामेल रिलोड़ेडले दोश्रो स्थान हात पार्दै ट्रफी र मेडल हात पर्यो | सेमी फाइनलसम्मको यात्रा कसमस कलेजको टिम सी इ आर टि र एडभान्स कलेजको टिम वानले तय गरेको थियो |

रोबोटहरुको रेसिंग कम्पिटिशनमा  बिराटनगरको टिम बक्सुस सिक्सले पचास हात पार्यो, त्यस्तै दोश्रो स्थानमा कोशी सेन्ट जेम्स स्कुलले  हात पार्यो | सेमीफाइनलसम्मको यात्रा नेपाल इंजिनीरिंग कलेजको टिम र पुर्बंचल क्याम्पसको टिमले तय गरेको थियो |

बिजेताहरुलाई  जम्मा  तीन  लाख पच्चीस  हजारको चेक हस्तान्तरण गरियो  |  यस संगै यस बर्ष यन्त्रको पाँचौं संस्करण “  यन्त्र ५.० कला, बिज्ञान तथा प्रबिधि महोत्सव २०१६ “ पौष ५ गतेसम्म संचालन हुनेछ |

राष्ट्रिय रोबोटिक्स प्रतियोगिताको रुपमा यन्त्र २०१२ देखि सुरु भएको थियो जसको बिजेताहरुलाई आइ. आइ. टिको अन्तराष्ट्रिय रोबोटिक्स प्रतियोगितामा  पठाइएको थियो | अहिले हामीले यस मंचलाई कलाकार, डाक्टर, इन्जिनियर तथा बिद्यार्थीहरुको सम्मेलन गर्ने मंच बनाएका छौँ | यस बर्ष यन्त्र ५.० “ कृषिमा नबिनता”को नारा दिएर अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय रोबोटिक्स प्रतियोगिता, श्रीजनशील  कम्पुटिंग, कला प्रबिधि प्रदर्शनी , यन्त्र लर्निंग, यन्त्र इन्कुबेसन र यन्त्र किड्स आयोजना हुदैंछ | पूरा कार्यक्रम तीन  हप्तासम्म लामो हुनेछ |

Press Release

Robotics Association of Nepal (RAN), is not-for-profit, non-governmental organization continuously working in the field of robotics and electronics automation since its establishment (2010). Each year we are celebrating a festival of art, science and technology called Yantra. This year we are organizing 5th edition of yantra as “Yantra 5.0, Art, Science  and Tech Festival, 2016”, starting from November 30, 2016 to December 20, 2016.

On the date of  11th November, 2016, the regional version of  Yantra- Yantra 4.1 East had been successfully conducted by RAN-East team. The event included three categories, including Yantra Racer, Yantra Akhada and Yantra School which had exciting 33 teams participation from different Schools, Colleges and Engineering Colleges.

Winners of the Purbanchal Robotics Competition participated at International Robotics Competition which was organized Army Physical Training and Fitness centre on November 30,2016 and officially Yantra 5.0 Art, Tech and Science Festival will be started.

This year International Robotics Competition had four different robotics competition :

  1. Krishakcopter- Drone Competition
  2. Yantra Manual Akhada –  Robot wars
  3. Yantra Automatic Akhada – Robot Wars
  4. Yantra Racer – Robot Racing Competition

Where 48 team including team from Bangladesh also participated. Inaugurated by Chief Guest Vice Chancellor Dr. Prof Jiba Raj Pokharel from NAST, International Robotics Competition started from  8:30 a.m. in the morning. The Chairperson from Nepal Engineering Council and Vice-president of Nepal Engineering Association were the Guest of honour for the event joined by reputed personality working in science and technology in Nepal.

The fight among Drones was the highlight of the program where Bangladeshi team BD Robots beat Kathmandu Engineering College’s team Robo KEC. Hence BD Robots standout as winner and the defending champion of previous main event KEC have to satisfy themselves as runner up. Advance College of Engineering and Management(ACEM) and Khwopa Engineering College were the semi-finalist.

Robot Wars Manual Akhada had the exciting battle between the team Caaicas led by Kushal Wagle, IOE Dharan. Kushal wagle was able to use his skills and talent along with the resources imported from U.S.

The Robot had to recognize their opponent and hit them and  drag them out of the game arena where team Khwopa Lure from Khwopa Engineering College beat team Alphamale reloaded  from Advance College of Engineering and Management(ACEM). Another team from Advance Engineering College of Management(ACEM) and team CERT from Cosmos College  were the semifinalist.

Robot Racing Competition Yantra Racer had the interesting final as Robot were racing against the time to win the final prize. The team Baksus 6 from biratnagar beat team  from Koshi st. James school in the final and stood them out the ultimate winner for the yantra racer. Semifinalist were team from Nepal Engineering College and Purbachanl campus.

The Winners were awarded with total Cash prize of Rs. 3,25,000.00.

Yantra was initiated by Robotics Association of Nepal in 2012 as a national robotics competition, whose winner were sent to International Robotics Competition in Indian Institute of Technology. Now we have opened this platform for collaboration among artists, doctors, educators, engineers and students. This year Yantra 5.0 with the theme “Agro-Innovation” has the International Robotics Competitions for tech enthusiast, Creative Computing for transferring the skill of coding, creating and computing to artists, doctors, and bankers the Art-tech exhibition to explore the work of artists and engineers, Paper  Presentation to find out the overall development of the existing products, Yantra Learning Software competition for software developer along with Yantra Incubation to encourage, curate and mentor the innovation into viable business focused on Agriculture.. Yantra Kids envisions the transfer of Technological knowledge to  Kids. The overall event lasts for more than two week.

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